Monday, November 28, 2011


Today was for dreaming. Everyone has days like this when concentration is elusive and hours are lost to daydreaming and planning. I think that my daydreams are fairly common among crafty people. I dream of living with like-minded people simply. My sister and I jokingly call it the "cult farm". In this nice world we can indulge in our hippie ways and grow things, craft and live in a way that is less harmful to the environment, and ourselves.

I'm not sure whether this is really a common dream or not. I tend to surround myself with people who share my core beliefs, so my perspective may be skewed. Nevertheless I think that there are more and more people who are interested in this type of lifestyle, if not always for the same reasons. For some this is a religious thing. It isn't for me. For me it's partially about the real necessity of changing our lifestyles to prevent a climate catastrophe and partially about my desire to create a community.

When I think about the "cult farm", I think of several families living together and working together to live in a way that is (very nearly) self sufficient. I imagine a collection of small, energy neutral houses, a large garden, some animals, a studio for myself and the other crafty types, a workshop for those so inclined, and a larger building where we could get together to cook and share a meal. I picture no tv, but computers and internet to be used to make something of a living as well as books a plenty. It is a lovely daydream which I someday hope to make a reality.

I'm not crazy. I know that a lifestyle like that is a lot more work than my daydreams lead me to believe. And I know that I wouldn't be able to have the latest and greatest gadgets or even some of the things that many people would deem necessary. But that doesn't make it any less desirable to me. It doesn't have to be just like how I picture it either, but what I want is to find or create a community. As someone who is often alone (and enjoys it), this seems like an odd desire. Nevertheless it is what I really want.

It will take years to get there, I'm sure and the dream will evolve and grow as I do. But every once in a while I need to take the time to daydream and remember what it is that I really value and what my goals are. Cult farm, here I come!

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